Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Iraq War

Iraq War Cost

Today they are still fighting in Iraq. The United States had joined the war too, and it cost a lot. The two reasons that make up this war are Oil, and Israel. But the mechanical reasons are the neocon lobby, Cheney as VP, and Bush's desire to prove himself and best his father. The neocons discuss mainly on the needs of Israel (the WMD they were truely concerned about were Scuds aimed at Israel), but Cheney and Rumsfeld may be more focussed on oil.
John McCain pushed American to Iraq to fight. In the midst of decrying the dangers of Americans reliance on foreign oil, McCain seemed to suggest that this reliance caused the current struggle in Iraq. "My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will -that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East,” McCain said. This comment was initially prompted by a compliment from a military veteran, who stated he hoped a group called, "Swift Boats for McCain come out and help" the GOP nominee, somehow leading McCain to go into an unprompted defense of the current attack campaign against him -- based on his 100-year statement. "You have seen an ad campaign that is mounted against me that says I wanted to stay and fight in Iraq for a 100 years," McCain said to a crowd at a Jewish Community Center. "My friends, it’s a direct falsification, and I’m sorry that political campaigns have to deteriorate in this fashion, because there’s legitimate differences between myself and Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton on what we should do in Iraq. After we win the war in Iraq ... then I’m talking about a security arrangement that may or may not be the same kind of thing we have with South -- with Korea."

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